An entrepreneurial spirit has driven Van Nahmen for four generations. The company was founded as a Rhineland apple butter operation in 1917. It all began with a rural farm belonging to a young businessman called Wilhelm (I) van Nahmen, making apple butter. Thirteen years later, in the autumn of 1930, Wilhelm’s son Wilhelm (II) came onto the scene. Nineteen-year-old Wilhelm, like his father before him, displayed entrepreneurial vision and courage and steered the company in a new direction. He was the first to start making fruit juices, initially as a hired press house. This service is still in demand today: orchard owners from the Lower Rhine and nearby Münsterland regions commission  Van Nahmen to press their apples into juice. 

The next generational change took place in 1990, when oldest son Rainer van Nahmen took over running of the private press house. New ideas met solid experience. Rainer van Nahmen invented fruit made from mixed orchards, a good fit for the nascent environmental awareness of the time. The German Nature and Biodiversity Conservation Union (NABU) showed him that an increasing number of mixed orchards were in danger of disappearing. Since 1994, Van Nahmen has been pressing apples from tall orchards separately and bottling them as “mixed orchard apple juice”. This created a premium product with a distinctive flavour, cleverly combining ecology with economy. The apples used for this juice are totally natural. The tasty premium juice, made from particularly intensely flavoured old varieties, is still a trademark of this “seller of juicy delights” from Hamminkeln. Natural and unsprayed fruit, no chemical fertilisers, old varieties, separate pressing, perfect balance between acidity and sugar, artisan methods, and a separately advertised product line are hallmarks of this special apple juice. 

In 2005, Peter van Nahmen, who holds a PhD in social and economic sciences, took over from his father Rainer at the head of the company. Rainer’s advice and experience continue to be of use, whilst Peter van Nahmen is now steering the company’s destiny. They make a good team. The fourth-generation managing director has discovered and successfully exploited a new niche: he incorporated the first single-variety juice into the product range, and promoted the idea of “juice as indulgence”. It became apparent that the exclusive single-variety flavours were catching on. Pressing the first pure juice from the Star Reinette apple was a key milestone in the company’s history. The fruit’s cinnamon character was well-known and popular, helping to introduce the concept of the juice. This sweet little fruit from the Lower Rhine region, produced in a limited run of 7409 gourmet bottles, came into the world to enchant connoisseurs. Good juices, like wines, offer up an unbelievable wealth of aromas. Becoming a premium producer with elegant, slender, distinctive bottles – which are now available all over the world – was a long journey. It is and remains the success story of a longstanding company that is as devoted to its native region as it is open to the world.


Today Van Nahmen offers more than 30 different fruit juices and nectars of high standards coming from high-quality fruit, which are carefully press into juice using traditional processes.

The Van Nahmen GOURMET fruit juice and nectars range was created to preserve the characteristics of old, traditional fruit varieties. Van Nahmen GOURMET juices are single-variety, meaning they are produced using fruit from just one particular variety. Van Nahmen GOURMET juices are 100% fresh: they come directly from the fruit without using flavour concentrates, added sugar, or other ingredients, so as to preserve the pure natural taste.


Fruit Secco is Van Nahmen’s innovative product line designed to tempt the palates of demanding fruit fans. A sparkling flavour experience in line with the motto: 100% fruit – 0% alcohol. As well as being an excellent accompaniment to any meal, well-chilled Fruit Secco also makes a perfect aperitif for a special occasion.

Four Fruit Secco varieties were brought to market after more than five years of development: Apple-Quince, Grape, and Apple-Currant-Raspberry, Apple-Blueberry-Cherry. They are fruity, mild, dry and 100% fruit, and thus take a different approach to other providers. After more than 100 years, the excitement is unabated at Van Nahmen!


Juice loves tea: such is the motto of this new, innovative, trendy Sparkling Juicy Tea from van Nahmen. A unique taste experience is guaranteed thanks to the fruity style of Van Nahmen’s single-variety juices combined with selected notes from finest teas. The lively sparkle showcases the effervescence and refreshing nature of non-alcoholic Sparkling Juicy Tea.


‘Sweet’ and ‘demi-secco’ apple ciders are gently pressed from traditional fruit varieties. As taste and aroma are affected by an apple’s level of ripeness, only fully ripe fruits are used to guarantee a fruity aroma and refreshing flavour. Enjoy this refreshing and complex drinking experience all year round. Cider, also known as sparkling apple wine, is best enjoyed chilled from a white wine glass. Particularly deliciously paired with tarte flambée or apple pie!


Van Nahmen gourmet products can be found in fine specialist stores and many Michelin star restaurants in great places in the world. They are excellently suited for non-alcoholic food pairing and as a special aperitif, for those who wishes to enjoy something elegant without alcohol.